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ISTA XVI. Favignana, Italy, 12-22 October 2021. “The presence of the actor and the perception of the spectator”

ISTA/NG International School of Theatre Anthropology – New Generation
directed by Eugenio Barba

Organised by Fondazione Barba Varley, in collaboration with Linee Libere and Teatro Proskenion (Italy), Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium-Odin Teatret (Denmark), The Grotowski Institute (Poland)


Eugenio Barba, Keiin Yoshimura (Japan), Parvathy Baul (India), I Wayan Bawa (Bali), Yalan Lin (Taiwan), Alício Amaral, Juliana Pardo (Cia. Mundu Rodá, Brazil), Lydia Koniordou (Greece), Alessandro RigolettiCaterina ScottiTiziana Barbiero (Teatro tascabile di Bergamo, Italy), Julia Varley (Odin Teatret, Denmark), Ana Woolf (Argentina)

The session of ISTA – NG (International School of Theatre Anthropology – New Generation) will take place in the island of Favignana (Italy) during the period 12-22 October 2021. Its theme is:

The Presence of the Actor and the Perception of the Spectator.

Masters from different theatre and dance traditions, in collaboration with Eugenio Barba, will introduce the participants to the pre-expressive level of their styles, i.e. the level of scenic presence. The technical principles which govern the craft of an actor/dancer are never present in a pure state, but always appear in the guise of a style. When the guises belong to styles and traditions which are foreign to us, there is the danger that these principles can remain hidden from us because of the strangeness of the form which contains them. When the guises are familiar to us, it is this very familiarity which weakens our attention.

An actor/dancer’s first days of apprenticeship are decisive. It is on this threshold that the principles of scenic presence meet. The scenic presence is the base on which actors and dancers build the relationship with the spectators and consequently a social presence.   

In the session of ISTA – NG, theatre and dance masters from different traditions will go through the first steps of their apprenticeship. In the course of the day they will exemplify, through demonstrations and practical work, how they learned and personalised their specific technique. The participants will have the opportunity to experience the “first day” while becoming aware of the principles which give life to the physical/mental know-how of an actor/dancer. During the demonstrations and the biographical talks, the participants will encounter the transcultural paths of the social presence of the actor/dancer masters.

Period: 12-22 October 2021, island of Favignana (Trapani), Italy

Working language: English

Fee: 1.100 (one thousand one hundred) Euros, inclusive supper and lodging in shared rooms. 

Information: Irene Di Lelio, Linee Libere,

Download the announcement as a pdf file (click here).