Organisers: Hans Jürgen Nagel, Kulturamt der Stadt Bonn, Germany Under the auspicies of the ITI, International Theatre Institute
Financed by: German Commission of UNESCO, Kulturamt der Stadt Bonn, Sekretariat für Gemeinsame Kulturarbeit Wuppertal, The Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Italy and France and The Japan Foundation
Artistic Staff
I Made Pasek Tempo, dancer, musician
I Wayan Suweca, dancer, musician
I Wayan Punia, dancer, musician
I Gusti Nyoman Tantra, dancer, musician
I Dewa Ayu Ariani, dancer, musician
Desak Ketut Susilawati, dancer, musician
Desak Putu Puspawati, dancer, musician
Wayan Gatri, dancer, musician
Ni Made Putri, dancer, musician
Ni Made Wati, dancer, musician
Sanjukta Panigrahi, Odissi dancer
Raghunath Panigrahi, singer, musician
Jagdish Burman, musician
Gangadar Pradhan, musician
Bishnu Mohan Pradhan, musician
Katsuko Azuma, Nihon Buyo dancer
Michi Imafuji, singer, musician
Shizuko Kineya, musician
Odin Teatret:
Toni Cots, actor
Tsao Chun-Lin, actor
Lin Chun-Hui, actor
Special Guests
Roberta Carreri, Odin Teatret, Italy
Jerzy Grotowski, Poland
Henri Laborit, France
Iben Nagel Rasmussen, Odin Teatret, Denmark
Scientific Staff
Ranka Bijeljac Babic, CNRS (Paris), Yugoslavia
Fabrizio Cruciani, Bologna University, Italy
Peter Elsass, Copenhagen University, Denmark
Jean-Marie Pradier, Rabat University, Morocco/France
Franco Ruffini, Bologna University, Italy
Nicola Savarese, Lecce University, Italy
Ferdinando Taviani, Lecce University, Italy
Ugo Volli, Bologna University, Italy
Moriaki Watanabe, Tokai Tokyo University, Japan
During the ISTA session a two-day symposium (25-26 October) on “Theatre Anthropology”, led by Eugenio Barba, was held for invited specialists only. It included work demonstrations by ISTA’s artistic staff. Speakers: Peter Elsass (Denmark), Xavier Fabregas (Spain), Jerzy Grotowski (Poland), Jean-Marie Pradier (France), Franco Ruffini (Italy), Ferdinando Taviani (Italy), Moriaki Watanabe (Japan).
ISTA presented 8 public performances by the Balinese, Chinese, Indian and Japanese ensembles. The whole ISTA team presented the results of the first session during three seminars in Scandinavia with the title “The Performer’s Art: Talent or Science?” in Holstebro, Denmark, 5-9 November, organiser: Odin Teatret; in Porsgrunn, Norway, 13-16 November, organiser: Grenland Friteatret; in Stockholm, Sweden, 20-27 November, organiser: Schahrazad/Dansmuséet. Excerpt from the “Report on the 1st Public Session of ISTA” by Jean-Marie Pradier, University of Rabat: Start of working day: 06:45, end of working day: 22:00. The schedules for the different ‘workshops’ were not fixed. The participants decided at the beginning of each week what would be the duration and sequence of the different aspects of the work. Daily activity: Individual actor’s training under the direction of Eugenio Barba and Toni Cots; Basic physical training of Asian danse-theatres directed by Katsuko Azuma, Sanjukta Panigrahi, Tsao ChunLin and I Made Pasek Tempo; Comparative analysis of Asian performers’ techniques; Group work on an outline of a mise en scène of Hamlet. The participants of the School organised situations for the exchange of experiences and for working sessions in small groups with the pedagogues, outside the hours of the formal working schedule. The teachers and members of the scientific staff organised hours for teaching and consultation either in public sessions or in working groups within precise domains relevant to their respective competences. Didactic materials and specialised bibliographies were prepared and distributed to the participants. Themes dealt with: Verbal and pre-verbal communication; Comparative history of theatre pedagogy; Sociology of the actor; Comparative history of Oriental and Occidental performance; Group psychology.