Organisers: The Centre for Study of Jerzy Grotowski’s Work and for Cultural and Theatrical Research
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Organisers: The Centre for Study of Jerzy Grotowski’s Work and for Cultural and Theatrical Research
Organised by Odin Teatret, in collaboration with the Cultural Association Diaforà and Teatro Tascabile di Bergamo WithParvathy Baul (India)I Wayan Bawa (Bali)Keiin Yoshimura and So Sugiura
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ISTA/NG International School of Theatre Anthropology – New Generation
directed by Eugenio Barba
Organised by Fondazione Barba Varley, in collaboration with Linee Libere and Teatro Proskenion (Italy), Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium-Odin Teatret (Denmark), The Grotowski Institute (Poland)
This page presents an updated Bibliography on Theatre Anthropology and on ISTA, maintained by the Editorial Board of the Journal of Theatre Anthropology. For contact and
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Theatre Anthropology is the study of the performer’s pre-expressive scenic behaviour which constitutes the basis of different genres, roles and personal or collective traditions.
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In 2020 Omma Studio Theatre established the Centre for Theatre Anthropology that aims to study the behaviour of the human being in a organised situation of
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Conceived as a comprehensive knowledge sharing project on actor’s techniques, the Journal of Theatre Anthropology (JTA), founded by Eugenio Barba, is published under the auspices of the International School of Theatre Anthropology (ISTA), with the support of the Fondazione Barba Varley, in collaboration with Odin Teatret Archives and the Centre for Theatre Laboratory Studies of the Dramaturgy Department of Aarhus University (Denmark).
A Arte Secreta do Ator is a high-quality professional residence with Eugenio Barba and Julia Varley on theatre anthropology. Lasting four days, it has been organised every year since 2008 by Cia. YinsPiração Poéticas Contemporâneas in Brasília (Brazil) for only sixteen active actors and ten observers, directors and scholars from Brazil and the rest of the world.
According to the researcher Cristina Tolentino, the recurrent principles of theatre anthropology researched by Eugenio Barba in various cultures underline the uniqueness of each actor, group, and cultural historical horizon: the discovery of the common principles of scenic presence is applied to one’s own research identifying with a theatrical, transcultural history, built by masters or creators of other cultures.
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Today, 11th December 2020, consecrated to the celebration of human rights, Eugenio Barba and Julia Varley have established the Barba Varley Foundation.
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