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Lesson 10 – Organic dramaturgy

This film is part of the Project of Knowledge Sharing “LEARNING TO SEE – TEN LESSONS IN THEATRE ANTHROPOLOGY” by Eugenio Barba, Claudio Coloberti and Julia Varley. Theatre Anthropology is the study of the human being in a situation of organised representation. In the film Eugenio Barba indicates and comments the shared technical principles aiming at building the performer’s presence in different acting and dancing traditions.

Eugenio Barba concludes the series of ten films on Theatre Anthropology by saying: “A participant today greeted me at breakfast saying ‘Eugenio, I dreamed that somebody was asking me: why have you gone to ISTA? I answered by showing this stage where all demonstrations are taking place, and there was a body lying, and this body was transparent.

This transparent body got up and began to march towards me and embraced me and became one part of me.’ Eugenio Barba concluded: “This is what happened with me when I have seen a performance, when the performer has left the stage, and her or his transparent body walks towards me, and literally takes possession of me, of my thoughts, of my experience.

With me are now the transparent body of Jacek Wojszczerowicz, the extraordinary Polish actor, and the transparent body of many other European performers I have seen and also the transparent body of Balinese performers.” Then I Made Djimat dances a Balinese Baris warrior dance.