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Lesson 7 – The dance of energy

This film is part of the Project of Knowledge Sharing “Learning to see – Ten lessons in Theatre Anthropology” by Eugenio Barba, Claudio Coloberti and Julia Varley. Theatre Anthropology is the study of the human being in a situation of organised representation. In the film Eugenio Barba indicates and comments the shared technical principles aiming at building the performer’s presence in different acting and dancing traditions.

This film shows an Odin Teatret exercise called “Tre-tre” which shapes the flow of energy through continuous changes in tension. It was developed at the ISTA session of Montemor-o-Novo in Portugal in 1998 by three actresses of Odin Teatret: Iben Nagel Rasmussen, Roberta Carreri and Julia Varley.

This sequence of thoughts-tensions develops the awareness of the sats – of the impulses necessary for the transition from one form to another. It exploits the resistance of the transitions between strong energy (Animus) and soft energy (Anima) by applying the principle of altering the balance, the principle of oppositions and the principle of consistent inconsistency.